My Story and The Lessons I've Learnt...
To be honest, I was not sure if and when I was ever going to blog again, but today just felt right. I remembered the reasons behind me creating Wellbeing Wonders in the first place: to raise awareness around mental health, to let people know they are not alone and to prove that having a mental health condition is nothing to be ashamed about. When I first created my blog I chose to remain anonymous, however now I have got to the point where I don’t want to hide a big part of who I am anymore. It just doesn’t feel right. I have accepted where I am in life, understanding and coming to terms with my anxiety each day and now have light, hope ahead for my future. So, I am Charlotte Halls. Since the last time I posted, I’ve had my own fair share of ups and downs. My mental health continued to go downhill quite rapidly over lockdown, where my anxiety was so severe, my communication with people reduced significantly and led me to revert to using my power… writing instead. It was a hard time for...