My Story and The Lessons I've Learnt...
To be honest, I was not sure if and when I was ever going to blog again, but today just felt right. I remembered the reasons behind me creating Wellbeing Wonders in the first place: to raise awareness around mental health, to let people know they are not alone and to prove that having a mental health condition is nothing to be ashamed about.
When I first created my blog I chose to remain anonymous, however now I have got to the point where I don’t want to hide a big part of who I am anymore. It just doesn’t feel right. I have accepted where I am in life, understanding and coming to terms with my anxiety each day and now have light, hope ahead for my future. So, I am Charlotte Halls.
Since the last time I posted, I’ve had my own fair share of ups and downs. My mental health continued to go downhill quite rapidly over lockdown, where my anxiety was so severe, my communication with people reduced significantly and led me to revert to using my power… writing instead. It was a hard time for everyone.
It is frustrating at times not going to lie, days are still challenging and exhausting too. I don’t have the concentration there anymore as well as I once used to and sometimes lack motivation to do things in the first place. But I’m a true believer everything happens for a reason, so won’t give up battling, just continue to do my best and take each day as it comes. Doing my best may look different every day, but my best is always enough!
I’ve learnt how important and critical self-care can be, and that it’s not selfish. Self-care sounds so simple to take time out, do things you enjoy and put your needs first. But can be hard to manage in a busy schedule. It is OK to say no to people and cancel plans in order for you to look after yourself as well. At the end of the day “You can’t pour from an empty cup”, so taking care of others all the time will have an impact on your well-being if you don’t take care of yourself too.
I absolutely love playing Tennis, Netball, going Running and being creative to support my mental health. As well as enjoy being in the countryside and with the animals on our farm, always embracing, appreciating the scenery and the weather we get of course.
I’ve found that living with a mental health condition you often need a lot of resilience and courage to get through each day, as a result of your emotions, feelings being a bit unpredictable. One minute you can be laughing and loving life and then the next you can be in a real dip. But having the support network around you is what gets you through. Talking is the best therapy! Please reach out to anyone if you’re struggling, it was the best thing I did. People will listen and not judge you.
I want to share with you a vision board I created on my journey. On it are all the things that bring me happiness, joy in life. Whenever I’m having a bad day, looking at this helps give me guidance to be positive and do something productive to try and help change my mindset. For example, this could be to just spend time with family, talk to friends, do some baking/sewing or go on a run and see some animals on the farm. I challenge you to take just a few minutes out of your day and think about things that bring you happiness and joy in your life. It can be good to step back and reflect from time to time.
I want to finish off by sharing this poem called The Moutain by Laura Ding-Edward. I really related to it and it helped to give me some reassurance at times, so maybe will for some of you too...
If the mountain seems too big today
then climb a hill instead,
If the morning brings you sadness
it’s ok to stay in bed.
If the day ahead weighs heavy
And your plans feel like a curse,
there’s no shame in rearranging,
don’t make yourself feel worse.
If a shower stings like needles
and a bath feels like you’ll drown,
if you haven’t washed your hair for days,
don’t throw away your crown.
A day is not a lifeline
a rest is not defeat,
don’t think of it as failure,
just a quiet, kind retreat.
It’s ok to take a moment
from an anxious, fractured mind,
the world will not stop turning
while you get realigned.
The mountain will still be there
when you want to try again,
you can climb it in your own time,
just love yourself til then.
Please take care of yourself and remember that…
“Confidence isn’t walking into a room with your nose in the air, and thinking you’re better than everyone else. It’s walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else in the first place.” Go for the small wins in life and don’t worry what other people may think. You’re doing amazing as you are!
If you would like to get in touch you can email me at…
Thank You,
Charlotte x
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